Archeological Services, Preservation, and Science Branch

SEAC archeologists excavating at a shell midden site
SEAC archeologists excavating at a shell midden site (NPS, SEAC)

The Archeological Services, Preservation, and Sciences branch of the Southeast Archeological Center assists national parks within the Southeast Region in fulfilling their archeological responsibilities.

We primarily conducts archeological investigations under Sections 106 and 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act.

The division provides support to the region's parks through the review of Planning, Environment, and Public Comment (PEPC) documents prior to the beginning of an undertaking. The division makes recommendations based on the resource potential, previous archeological investigations, and the impacts of the undertaking.

We support parks by preparing critical documents such as Archeological Overview and Assessments (AOAs), Cultural Resource Stewardship Assessments (CRSAs), Resource Stewardship Strategy (RSS) plans, and National Register nominations.

We conducts about 200 reviews a year and undertakes approximately 25 field projects. The division also maintains a suite of remote-sensing equipment that can be employed in the park units.

Last updated: December 15, 2023