Certification & Sign Plans

National Trails Office Assistance

  • Three people standing around a cluster of rocks.
    What We Do

    Cultural resources, Design & Development, Management, Interpretation, History, Planning, Resource Info Management, Route 66, and more!

  • Brown sign with yellow triangle,
    National Historic Trail Signs

    Partner with us to help travelers find the national historic trails and to help them explore our shared heritage!

  • A large metal sign sitting in front of a field of grass.
    Certification Program

    Certification is a partnership that helps landowners protect and preserve their historic trail properties and share them with others.

Last updated: July 26, 2023

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

National Trails Office - Regions 6, 7, 8
Oregon National Historic Trail
1100 Old Santa Fe Trail

Santa Fe, NM 87505


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Contact Us