News Release

Youth Arts in the Parks 2023 Art Contest Near Deadline

painting of orange flowers and a butterfly
Butterfly Weed and Bees © Allison Gray, 10th grade, Oak Hill High, Fayette County, 2022 Appalachian Spring Wildflower Art Contest – exhibit artist.

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News Release Date: January 31, 2023

Contact: Jodi French-Burr, 304-575-6496

Glen Jean, West Virginia — Nature can be a great inspiration! Local students can celebrate their creativity and interest in nature through the Youth Arts in the Parks 2023 Appalachian Spring Wildflower Art Contest. Now is the time for students to get their entries in, for the online contest entry window is only open through February 8, 2023. Visit to see the updated 2023 contest rules, online entry procedures, details about the digital art critter challenge, list of accepted wildflower and wildlife species, and see many wildflower reference photos. Link to the online contest entry platform through the contest rules page  


This program allows students to serve as community leaders and raise awareness of Appalachia’s natural diversity. The contest is open to all K – 12-grade students of Fayette, Nicholas, Raleigh, and Summers Counties. Youth can enter art through their school, community organization, or independently. Top entries will be showcased at a spring 2023 art exhibit at Tamarack in Beckley and online. This contest is part of 2023 Spring Nature Fling event celebrated throughout Southern West Virginia. New River Gorge National Park and Preserve, Tamarack, and several West Virginia State Parks partner to host this public event in April and May. The 2023 festivities are in development and will feature new programs, along with fun tips to help each of us discover more about nature while in the outdoors. Coordinators will announce event details as this celebration draws near. 


Join this celebration of ecology through art with Youth Arts in the Parks

Last updated: January 31, 2023

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Glen Jean, WV 25846



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