Permit Planning Resources

There are many laws, regulations, and rules that apply to land administered by the National Park Service. Listed are some of the most common resources used for conducting permitted activities on the National Mall and Memorial Parks. Permit specialists from the Division of Permits Management provide additional resources and guidance to assist applicants for specific kinds of activities during the permitting process.


Application for a Permit to Conduct a Demonstration or Special Event: This application is used for the majority of permitted activities in the parks including First Amendment-related activities, unless another application is required for a type of activity specified below.

Special Use Permit Application: This application is used primarily for weddings and organized sports (except for running or bicycling events and tournaments).

Photography Application (short form): This application is used for the majority of commercial filming and/or photography. This system is used to reserve picnic areas on Hains Point in East Potomac Park and Parkway Drive Volleyball Courts.

Credit Card Payment Form: Please note this form may not be emailed. Fax and contact information is available on the form.

Laws and Policies

Planning Guides and Manuals



  • Clown

    Get more information about permits for special activities, First Amendment demonstrations, and commercial filming and photography.

  • Graphic of a telephone and envelope
    Permit Office Contact Information

    Find contact information for the National Mall and Memorial Parks’ Division of Permits Management and neighboring parks.

  • Back of ranger head and hat
    Park Management

    Learn more about management of the National Mall and Memorial Parks, including laws, policies, and regulations.

Last updated: August 3, 2023

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1100 Ohio Drive SW
Washington, DC 20242



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