Your Dollars At Work

Park ranger engages with visitors at an Art in the Park event.
Muir Woods National Monument is always making improvements with the funds generated by your fee dollars.


Out of the 425 units in the National Park Service (NPS), only a portion charge an entrance fee, including Muir Woods National Monument. The Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (FLREA) allows the NPS to collect and retain revenue and requires that fee revenue be used to enhance the visitor experience. At least 80 percent of the money stays in the park where it is collected, and the other 20 percent is used to benefit parks that do not collect fees. At Muir Woods, that means your fee dollars support:

  • Sesonal park ranger and park guide positions
  • Redwood Renewal - a host of critical infrastructure, habitat restoration, safety, and visitor experience projects
  • New Lift Station- Installation of a single 40,000-gallon lift station outside flood plain of Redwood Creek to consolidate lift station one and two into one lift station. This removed two outdated lift stations. One of the old lift stations was in the flood plain of Redwood Creek.
  • Rerouting of Bohemian Grove Trail
  • Rehabilitate Sections of the Ben Johnson Trail -Work included replacing trail erosion controlling structures including approximately 300 linear feet of retaining wall, 60 staircase check steps, and 175 linear feet of turnpike. Two non-historic, 20 foot long, wood bridges were replaced.
  • Rehabilitate Sections of Dipsea Trail Work included replacing trail erosion control structures such as check steps, waterbars, staircases, retaining walls, etc. Installed approximately 700 SF of replacement stone retaining wall; resurfaced 0.2 miles of hardened trail tread; constructed a new 700 LF section of re-routed Dipsea Trail and installed 25 water bars; closed and rehabilitated 500LF of abandoned Dipsea Trail. Finished dry laid masonry work matches the appearance of the historic trail construction style of the area.
  • Construct Accessible Approaches and Boardwalks to Access Bridges 2 and 3 (project partially complete-Access to Bridge 3). Asphalt tread surface was removed from the site and replaced with a 1,760 square foot ABAAS hardened surface reroute.
  • Repair Redwood Creek Trail

Through your fee dollars, additional seasonal staffing means more park rangers available to greet you, help you plan your trip, and share the history and ecology of the forest through interpretive programs. Interpretive staff also help you connect to Muir Woods from afar through social media, web pages, videos, and more.

Learn about Your Fee Dollars at Work Throughout the National Park Service.


Last updated: July 25, 2023

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Muir Woods National Monument
1 Muir Woods Rd

Mill Valley, CA 94941


United States Park Police Dispatch: Non-Emergency: 415-561-5505 Emergency: 415-561-5656

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