Saving Our History and Our Visitors: Historic Preservation Project Presentation This Saturday Evening

Two photos; left: black and white photo of CCC workers constructing a cabin; right: the cabin today.

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News Release Date: June 16, 2016

Contact: Randy King, Superintendent, 360-569-6501

Deputy Superintendent Tracy Swartout invites the public to a special evening presentation to be held at the Paradise Inn at 8pm on Saturday, June 18. Park staff will join with representatives from Washington's National Park Fund to share information about Mount Rainier National Park's Search and Rescue House, a historic cabin constructed by the Civilian Conservation Corps in the 1930s. This cabin has fallen into disrepair over the decades and is now in competition for a historic preservation grant that will allow park staff to rehabilitate the structure and return it to its intended use.

Park visitors and Inn guests will learn about:

  • The Civilian Conservation Corps work at Mount Rainier
  • The National Park Service "rustic style" architecture and National Historic Landmark Districts
  • How the park manages its 50+ Search and Rescue events each year
  • How the National Trust for Historic Preservation's "Partners in Preservation" project would restore a Longmire-area cabin for use as housing for Search and Rescue staff.

Mount Rainier National Park invites you to visit and enjoy a wide range of experiences and Centennial events such as this that are planned for 2016. Keep updated on park happenings, discover things to do, and learn more about the park's many resources by visiting  


Last updated: June 16, 2016

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