Mount Rainier National Park Seeks Public Review of Nisqually to Paradise Road Rehabilitation Project Environmental Assessment

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Date: July 24, 2012
Contact: Karen Thompson, Environmental Protection Specialist, 360-569-6507

Mount Rainier National Park Superintendent Randy King has announced that an environmental assessment has been prepared for the Nisqually to Paradise Road Rehabilitation project.

The roadway begins at the Nisqually Entrance and continues for 17.6 miles to Paradise. The road work would take place in two phases, each phase lasting two years. The first phase extends from the Nisqually Entrance (milepost 0.0 to milepost 6.5) and is scheduled to start as early as 2013-2014. This phase may also include reconstruction of a portion of guardwall on the Ricksecker Loop. The second phase of roadwork would start as early as 2015-2016 and is between milepost 6.5 and ending at Paradise (milepost 17.6). this phase includes repaving of the parking lots at Paradise and repaving Paradise Valley Road. Ricksecker Loop Road paving and the Paradise Valley Road could be conducted during either phase. 

The EA evaluates two alternatives: a no action alternative and a preferred alternative. Under the no action alternative, the road would not be repaired or improved. The road pavement and structural integrity would continue to continue to deteriorate and drainage problems would persist. Park staff would continue routine road maintenance and repairs as it has in the past. The preferred alternative includes a number of measures to repair and improve the condition of the road, including repair of structural deficiencies, paving, improving drainage, bridge maintenance, embankment stabilization, utility upgrades, and other improvements. 

The park is inviting comments from individuals, organizations and other agencies. The environmental assessment is available electronically at

Those wishing to provide comments should submit them electronically at the above park planning website, or in writing to: Superintendent, Mount Rainier National Park, 55210 238th Ave. E., Ashford, Washington, 98304. Please provide comments no later than August 23, 2012.

Your comments, including your personal identifying information (name, address, telephone, e-mail address) - may be publicly available at any time, if requested under the Freedom of Information Act. While you can request your personal identifying information (name, address, telephone, and email address) be withheld from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so.


Last updated: February 28, 2015

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