National Park Service selects Rainier Guest Services, LLC, to operate Lodging, Food & Beverage, Retail, and other commercial services within Mount Rainier National Park

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Date: October 21, 2013

Pacific West Regional Director Christine Lehnertz announced that after a highly competitive process, Rainier Guest Services has been selected to be awarded a new concession contract to operate lodging, food and beverage, retail and other commercial services within the Longmire, Paradise, and Sunrise areas of Mount Rainier National Park.

Rainier Guest Services, LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Virginia-based Guest Services Inc. and has over 40 years of hospitality experience in a variety of venues including Mount Rainier National Park, North Cascades National Park, and several locations in the National Capital Region.

"Mount Rainier has a long history as an overnight destination with the National Park Inn and Paradise Inn," remarked Mount Rainier National Park Superintendent Randy King. "We look forward to working with Rainier Guest Services as we continue to welcome and serve our visitors while we care for our historically significant lodges," he said.

Concessioners fill a vital role in helping the NPS carry out its mission by operating publicly owned facilities and offering high-quality commercial visitor services at reasonable prices. As required by the 1998 Concessions Management Improvement Act, the NPS solicited for proposals from June 21 through October 16, 2012, for this contract for concessions operations within Mount Rainier National Park. Offers were evaluated on their responses to questions asked, including how to preserve and maintain buildings in a Historic Landmark District, ensure high-quality visitor services while incorporating the park interpretive themes throughout the operations, assist in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reduce solid waste, implement a progressive Healthy Food Program and promote employment opportunities.  Additional guidelines used to evaluate proposals can be found online at

For information about Rainier Guest Services, contact Mr. Gerry Gabrys at phone 703-849-9304 and email Information about Mount Rainier National Park can be found at



Last updated: February 28, 2015

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