Contact: Patti Wold, PIO, 360-569-6563
Friday, June 12, 2015, 7:00 pm — Climbers Derek Gavelis and Mathew Wiech descended to Camp Schurman of their own accord late this afternoon. The search for the third climber, Kyle Bufis, has been suspended for the evening and will resume tomorrow morning. Bufis went missing during extreme weather at approximately 9:00 pm on Thursday, June 11th. Search efforts are focused in the vicinity of the confluence of the Winthrop and Emmons glaciers. The Public Information Office will be staffed tomorrow starting at approximately 8:00 am following the incident briefing (staff only). A recording of the final update is available on the park incident information line at 360-569-2211 then dial 9 and option 2. Press releases are posted on the park website. -NPS- |
Last updated: June 12, 2015