[pahrk-kash-ing] is an outdoor game of searching for objects or information using Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates within national parks. Parkcaches can be physical or virtual (earthcaches). Highway Parkcaching ChallengeExplore geology in the park with a summer/fall parkcaching challenge. To participate:
*Google Maps can function within the park without a data connection. Enter GPS coordinates in the following format: "N40 25.446 W121 32.053" The parkcaches are removed at the end of October or when necessary due to snowfall. Please note that these temporary caches are not listed on geocaching.com and do not have a GC waypoint number. For registered earthcaches in the park, visit geocaching.com. Earthcaches in Lassen Volcanic Find Your Park GeoTour |
Last updated: June 23, 2022