![]() NPS photo More than 100 miles of trails in Lassen Volcanic are open to stock users. The following regulations for saddle and pack animals help insure the safety of visitors, riders, and horses, and the protection of resources. These regulations derive from CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) and the Superintendent’s Compendium (park-specific determinations per CFR). At times when trail and weather and trail conditions warrant (such as trees across the trail or wet soil) additional stock use conditions (including closure of a trail to stock use) may be established. Note: In these regulations, stock refers to saddle and pack animals. The only animals allowed to be used as stock in Lassen Volcanic National Park are horses, mules, burros, and llamas. Some Areas of Dixie Fire Burn Footprint Remain Closed to Stock UseThe following locations are temporarily closed to livestock use:
Entering closed areas or accessing damaged facilities is prohibited and may result in a citation. Group SizeGroup size is limited to 12 animals maximum. Where can I go with Stock?Roads & Developed AreasStock are not allowed on paved roads unless such travel is necessary for entry/exit from trails, or is incidental to authorized travel. Stock are only allowed in designated stock use areas of campgrounds. Do not ride or tie stock animals anywhere else in campgrounds, in picnic areas, or within the immediate area of eating or sleeping establishments or other areas of public gatherings. TrailsStock are allowed on established/maintained trails except those listed below. They are not allowed off trail.Stock are not allowed:
Stock and pack animals must proceed at a slow walk when traveling in the immediate vicinity of people on foot. When leaving stock for short periods of time, tie them to a high line or hobble them near the trail. Tie the line between two trees or rocks and tether the animals to it. Hang the line on a flat, sparsely vegetated site to limit damage to roots and plants. Camping with StockStock are only allowed in designated areas in frontcountry campgrounds (reservations required via recreation.gov). Stock use is not allowed overnight in the backcountry. Designated Stock use Campsites:
Stock-specific Camping Regulations
WeaponsA permit from the superintendent is required for persons in charge of stock to carry a weapon. Permits will only be granted for the emergency use of dispatching injured stock. Weapons carried for this purpose:
Prohibited Practices
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Last updated: October 16, 2024