News Release

Closure of Fritch Fortress Boat Launch Ramp and Dock

Heavy Machinery at Fritch Fortress

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News Release Date: April 12, 2021

Contact: Tim Cruze, 806-857-3151

FRITCH, TX –The Fritch Fortress Boat Launch Ramp and Dock will be closed from Monday April 12, 2021 through Wednesday April 14, 2021. During the closure park maintenance will address the accumulation of silt run-off that has occurred over time at the launch ramp.

Silt is a granular material of a size between sand and clay and has a mineral origin of quartz and feldspar. Silt can occur as a soil which is often mixed with sand and clay or laid down as sediment mixed in suspension with water. The buildup of silt has led to a reduction in water depth of the watercourse and in this case the launch ramp. Silt has a moderate specific area with a typically non-sticky, plastic feel and is slippery when wet.

The silt build-up will be mechanically removed from the area to make boat launching easier and safer. Boat launch ramps and docks will still be open at Sanford-Yake and Blue West.

Last updated: April 12, 2021

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Lake Meredith National Recreation Area
P.O. Box 1460

Fritch, TX 79036


806 857-3151

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