News Release

Winner Announced in the 2021 Brooks Camp Bear Pin Logo Contest

Bronze pin of a bear head with the words Katmai 2021 (above), blue bear head with the words Katmai 2021 below.

NPS Photo/ A Kraft

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News Release Date: June 8, 2021

Contact: Amber Kraft

King Salmon, Alaska. –Katmai National Park is excited to reveal the winning design selected for the 2021 Brooks Camp Bear Pin Design Competition, submitted by Alaska artist Ecola Collier. 

This year’s winning design features an angular bear face atop a banner that reads “Katmai 2021.” In the words of artist Ecola Collier: “I love sharp clean lines in most of my artwork, but my usual medium is glass etching. I digitally created this pin entry on my computer, but wanted to maintain the same crisp lines I get when hand cutting my stencils. Growing up, I always asked to go visit the bears at Brooks for my birthday.  I couldn’t think of anything I’d want more. I have always had an affinity towards bears and look forward to seeing them every summer in Naknek while commercial fishing. With two little kids of my own, I find myself focusing more on geometric shapes and complementary colors. With this project I was able to combine all of my favorite things.” 

You can acquire this unique, stylized piece of art by visiting Brooks Camp and completing the mandatory bear safety training, also known as “bear school.” Wearing the pin serves as a reminder to visitors of their training and is a visual confirmation to park staff that visitors have been through the training session. The limited-edition pin with color is a bear booster pin, awarded to visitors who exhibit especially responsible behavior around bears in Brooks Camp.

Park rangers at the Brooks Camp Visitor Center began issuing bear orientation pins to Brooks Camp visitors on June 1. The Visitor Center is open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. through September 17th, and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. for the latter part of September.  

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