Hot Springs WeatherThe weather in Hot Springs National Park is generally fairly mild throughout the year. Average temperatures in Hot Springs can range from about 90°F (32°C) to less than 27°F (-2.7°C). Summer is known to be very hot and humid and sudden weather changes can happen at any moment. Your visit can be more enjoyable by checking the forecast and coming prepared for hiking within the park or shopping along Bathhouse Row. Current Weather Forecast
Spring & Fall Weather AveragesIn March, April, and May the temperature ranges from lows of 43ºF to 61ºF with highs on average between 65ºF and 82ºF. In September, October, and November the temperature ranges from lows of 42ºF to 64ºF with highs of 63ºF to 86ºF. Spring and Fall typically yield the most rainfall for the park. Summer Weather AveragesSummer daytime temperatures are usually in the 80s and 90s, and highs can reach the triple digits with stifling humidity of 70% to 90% in July and August. Take plenty of drinking water with you on hot days. Average temperatures in June, July, and August range from lows of 69ºF to 72ºF with highs of 90ºF to 93ºF. Summer days can be hot and humid, with heat index values over 110ºF (43ºC). Winter Weather AveragesWinter wind chills in December, January, and February can make temperatures feel much colder, as low as 15ºF (-9.4ºC). The temperature ranges from lows of 32ºF to highs of 35ºF with highs from 52ºF to 56ºF with some ice or snow fall. Severe WeatherHot Springs National Park can experience severe weather any time of year. Calm, sunny mornings can abruptly turn into fierce, stormy days. Heavy rain and lightning are common during the spring and summer. Springtime also has the highest potential for tornadoes. Always check weather conditions before you go into the field.
Basic Information
Learn the basics before you visit! Things To Do
Explore, Learn, and Relax! Learn all about the things to do in our Park. Experience the Water
Learn about the various ways that you can experience the thermal springs in the Park. Hiking
With 26 miles of hiking trails in the Park, you can find great views, beautiful forest scenery, and feel like you're not in the City. |
Last updated: August 18, 2024