Guide Information

As a guide in Grand Teton National Park, you have the opportunity to provide park visitors with unique and unparalleled experiences. Commercial guides in Grand Teton reach over 350,000 visitors through guided activities annually (NPS, 2021). By embarking on any one of these activities, park visitors will most likely be engaging with guides and staff longer than any other employee in Grand Teton. The NPS is invested in your success, as successful interpretive guides are critical to expanding the interpretive reach of the park.

Checkout the information on this website for a variety of topics to help you craft your interpretive skills. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about interpretive content for commercial guides, please e-mail us.

Guide Resources

2019 Guides Notebook- Baseline Information for Guides
Vital Signs (Current Park Science Monitoring and Issue Overviews)

Creation of GTNP
Teton Profile
Geology of GTNP
Maps and Brochures

Recommended Reads for Guides

The following books are recommending reading materials for guides. To purchase these books online visit the Grand Teton Association bookstore.

The Natural World of Jackson Hole. An Ecological Primer, by Tim W. Clark
This book is an overview of the ecology of Jackson Hole and surrounding region. It introduces the reader to the natural world of Jackson Hole and to the principles of ecology as they operate in the valley.

For Everything There is a Season, by Dr. Frank C. Craighead Jr.
Are there hidden patterns in the natural world? Do natural events take place at the same time every year? The answers are in this unique book in the literature of natural history. Dr. Frank C. Craighead, Jr., one of America's most distinguished field biologists, has studied the plants and animals of the Greater Yellowstone Area for more than forty-five years. Keeping detailed, daily journals, Dr. Craighead has recorded the patterns of life that revolve around the changing seasons, and he shares his discoveries in this fascinating book.

Grand Teton - The Official National Park Handbook.
The book is divided into three sections covering history, close-up looks at the park's special features, and "guide and adviser" information. Includes information on the mountains, valleys and wildlife of the park. Color photographs and map.

A Place Called Jackson Hole, by John Daugherty, with contributions by Stephanie Crockett, William H. Goetzmann, and Reynold G. Jackson.
This richly illustrated volume provides a glimpse into the colorful human experience in Jackson Hole. Developed by the National Park Service, it focuses on the importance of the park's cultural resources - from American Indian prehistoric life, the early Euro-American explorers, and the more recent settlement period - that left a legacy of over 160 historic structures in Grand Teton National Park. A Place Called Jackson Hole can be read on line.

Interpreting the Landscape, by John M. Good and Kenneth L. Pierce.
Interpreting The Landscape of Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks takes us into the natural world we see today through the prism of geology. It is difficult to gaze upon the Teton Range, the high plateaus of Yellowstone, the lakes, canyons, and land forms of the two parks and their immediate environs without asking how and when they were formed. This book answers these questions, and more.

Creation of the Teton Landscape, by David Love, John Reed, and Kenneth Pierce.
Geology is the science of the Earth-the study of the forces, processes, and past life that not only shape our land but influence our daily lives and our Nation's welfare. This booklet, prepared by two members of the U.S. Geological Survey, discusses how geologic phenomena are responsible for the magnificent scenery of the Teton region.

Last updated: April 29, 2024

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P.O. Box 170
Moose, WY 83012


Talk to a Ranger? To speak to a Grand Teton National Park ranger call 307–739–3399 for visitor information Monday-Friday during business hours.

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