Fire Managers Plan Prescribed Fire Treatment Near Shoshone Point Monday, December 7

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Date: December 4, 2015
Contact: Emily Davis, 928-638-7609

Grand Canyon, Ariz. – National Park Service fire managers anticipate initiating a prescribed fire near Shoshone Point Monday, December 7 as weather and fuel moisture conditions allow.

The 75-acre area that fire managers plan to treat is located east of Grand Canyon Village, between Yaki and Shoshone points, and is comprised primarily of ponderosa pine, pinyon pine, and juniper. In support of the prescribed fire, managers will close Shoshone Point and the project area to all vehicle, bicycle, foot, and mule traffic from 12 pm December 7 to 8 am December 8.

Smoke may be visible from Grand Canyon Village and Arizona Highway 64 (Desert View Drive). Visitors and residents may see fire personnel and vehicles in the vicinity of Shoshone Point. Please drive slowly, turn on headlights, follow traffic control signs and directions, and avoid stopping in areas where fire personnel are working.

Prescribed fires play an important role in decreasing risks to life, resources, and property. Fire managers carefully plan prescribed fires, initiating them only under environmental conditions that are favorable to assuring firefighter and visitor safety and to achieving the desired objectives. Prescribed fire objectives include reducing accumulations of hazard fuels, maintaining the natural role of fire in a fire-adapted ecosystem, and protection of sensitive cultural and natural resources.



Last updated: December 4, 2015

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