NPS Public Meeting

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Date: March 16, 2012
Contact: Skot Jonz, 415-561-4734
Contact: Alexandra Picavet, 415-786-8021

Golden Gate National Recreation Area and San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park, Calif. The public is invited to attend a meeting at the newly remodeled General's Residence, formerly known as the Historic Officer's Club at Fort Mason. The March 21st event, open from 4:30-6:30 PM, will feature exhibits and information on numerous projects and events. Park staff from Golden Gate National Recreation Area and San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park will be on hand to answer questions and welcome public input. An extra highlight will be a Park Partner Expo (4:00-7:00PM) with representatives from partner organizations that provide programs in the park to discuss the diverse range of opportunities and resources they provide for visitors to Golden Gate National Parks. For a complete list of park partners, visit 

A sample of meeting topics include America's Cup 34, Golden Gate Bridge 75th Anniversary, and the Cosco Busan oil spill settlement. Park Archives staff will feature an exhibit of objects and images from the permanent museum collection celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Golden Gate National Recreation Area. The San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park will have updates on the Maritime Library, Museum and Visitor Center, the status of vessels in its care (Steam Schooner Wapama and Schooner C.A. Thayer) and Municipal Pier. Staff from other agencies will be available to provide updates on projects affecting Golden Gate National Parks, such as F-Line Streetcar to Fort Mason Center, Ocean Beach Master Plan, and Presidio Parkway Update.

Answers will be provided to questions such as:

What's going on with the Alcatraz Water Tower?

When will the Point Bonita Bridge be open again?

When is the road construction in the Marin Headlands going to be finished?

What transportation and access improvements will be implemented at Muir Woods?

What is the status of the park's Long Range Transportation Plan, Dog Management Plan, and General Management Plan?

What new rules are being developed for special events and filming in the park?

Updates will be available on these and other Trails Forever projects: Presidio Coastal Trail, Lands End Lookout Visitor Center, Hawk Hill, and Redwood Creek. Information on the Park upcoming volunteer activities throughout the park and how to get involved will be provided at the Park Stewardship and NPS Volunteer tables.

If you enjoy and appreciate the National Parks of the Bay Area, would like to learn more and help shape the future of our parks, there are many reasons to attend this meeting.

A map to the General's Residence and a complete list of topics with links to more information on each topic can be found at


Last updated: February 28, 2015

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Golden Gate National Recreation Area
201 Fort Mason

San Francisco, CA 94123


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