Muir Beach, Part of Golden Gate National Recreation Area, to Close this Summer for Several Months for Construction and Restoration

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Date: April 28, 2010
Contact: Howard Levitt, (415) 561-4730

Marin County, CA--Sometime late in June it will become necessary to close Muir Beach through November while the parking lot and pedestrian access are realigned. During this closure businesses in the area, like the Pelican Inn, will remain open, but the beach will be closed to all but people hiking through from other areas like Tennessee Valley along the Coastal Trail. With the Muir Beach parking lot closed and all services and restrooms removed from the area it is not recommended that anyone hiking through stop at the beach for any extended period.

When the area reopens in late fall, visitors will see dramatic improvements--a newly surfaced and realigned parking lot, new vault toilets, new picnic area, and an extension of the current pedestrian bridge. These features, part of our multi-phase watershed restoration project are part of an effort to connect the Redwood Creek channel to its natural floodplain. They also protect wetland habitat for threatened and endangered species! Visit for more details about this project.

Thanks to the Cosco Busan Trustee Council, made up of the National Park Service, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, California State Lands Commission, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for providing financial support for this project. Thank you also to the California State Park Recreational Trails Program, Habitat Conservation Fund, Wildlife Conservation Board and California State Coastal Conservancy for supporting this work.

For updates on detours and closures (and re-openings), visit

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Office at 415-561-4730

Last updated: February 28, 2015

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