What is a Commercial Use Authorization?
A Commercial Use Authorization (CUA) is a business permit with the National Park Service. It authorizes you to conduct commercial activities and to provide specific visitor services within a national park. We will only issue CUAs for activities that:
You must have a CUA if you or your organization provide services that:
- take place at least in part in the national park area,
- use park resources, and
- result in monetary gain.
PL 105-391, Section 418 and 36 CFR 5.3 require NPS to issue and charge a reasonable fee for CUAs. You may not conduct commercial activities in the park without a valid CUA or in a manner inconsistent with the terms of the CUA.
How do I apply for a CUA?
Commercial Carriers (Road Based Commercial Tours):
- Download and complete the appropriate application (see below).
- E-mail your completed, signed application and a legible copy of your certificate of insurance to goga_business@nps.gov.
Guided Service, Outdoor Fitness, and Event Services Providers:
Please note that all CUA holders must carry appropriate liability insurance and provide the NPS with proof of that insurance. You also may be required to hold other types of liability insurance depending on the type of CUA you have (e.g., commercial automobile insurance). Refer to the
CUA Insurance Guidance for more information regarding these additional requirements and refer to the application materials for the specific type of CUA for which you are applying for more information.
CUA holders cannot require visitors to sign a waiver of liability statement, insurance disclaimer, or indemnification agreement. If you provide high-risk services, you may advise visitors of risks associated with the activity through the use of a
visitor acknowledgement of risk form (VAR). If you wish to modify the VAR you may not include "waiver of liability" language and must have park approval before using the modified form.
Once your application and insurance have been received, instructions for paying all applicable fees at pay.gov will be forwarded via email. Please allow 14 business days to process your application once all application materials and fees have been processed.
What Services are Currently Authorized?
Commercial Carriers (Road Based Commercial Tours)
Defined as any type of motor vehicle used for commercial transportation service in which visitors are conveyed into and/or out of any GGNRA area for a direct or indirect fee and, except for on-board interpretative services, no other services are provided. This definition includes sedans, SUVs, minivans, vans, mini-buses, motor coaches and limousines used for commercial transportation services.
A company is required to obtain a CUA if it offers commercial transportation services within GGNRA, regardless of visit frequency. CUA applications are received on a rolling-basis and 2023-2024 CUAs will expire on June 30th, 2024. CUAs are not required for MUNI vehicles or other public transportation vehicles, delivery, vendor or contractor vehicles, and taxis.
GGNRA appreciates the role of commercial transportation services in bringing visitors to the park, and operators are expected to learn and understand the associated rules, regulations, and policies.
Annual Application Fee: $300
Click Here to Download the Current Commercial Carrier CUA Application
Muir Woods National Monument Parking Reservation Fee: Paid per visit based on vehicle size
Click Here to View Current Commercial Carrier CUA Holders.