Permits & Reservations

Landscape scene with sandstone wall and lake
Academic Fee Waiver

If you have plans to bring your class to Glen Canyon for academic purposes, send in a Fee Waiver first.

Multicolored kayaks in and out of the shadows on the lake.
Commercial Use Authorizations

These businesses provide certain commercial services not typically provided by the concessioners within park boundaries

Bridge and groom walk through Lonely Dell orchard
Special Use Permits

Permits are required for special activities and events, like weddings and commercial photography


Backcountry Camping Permits

  • Backcountry camping in the Orange Cliffs area of Glen Canyon National Recreation Area requires a permit from Canyonlands National Park.
  • Backcountry permits are required for all overnight stays in the Escalante District of Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, including Coyote Gulch. Obtain permits at the Escalante Interagency Visitor Center in the town of Escalante or at one of the entry trailheads. Day use does not require a backcountry permit, but please sign the trail register.
  • Overnight hikes along the Paria River require a permit from the Bureau of Land Management.

Campground Reservations

No campgrounds operated in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area by the National Park Service take reservations, but some developed campgrounds within the park operated by park concessioners do.

Last updated: February 24, 2020

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

PO Box 1507
Page, AZ 86040


928 608-6200
Receptionist available at Glen Canyon Headquarters from 7 am to 4 pm MST, Monday through Friday. The phone is not monitored when the building is closed. If you are having an emergency, call 911 or hail National Park Service on Marine Band 16.

Contact Us