This short documentary project, by seasonal employee Trey Burns and NPS VIP Michael Kirby Smith, is a lyrical portrait of the inhabitants at Huckleberry, Loneman, & Swiftcurrent lookouts in Glacier National Park (open captions with audio description).
Each spring the challenge of plowing the Going-to-the-Sun Road starts all over again. Join the Road Crew on a typical day in early June of 2008 as they work to clear the Rim Rock area, just west of Logan Pass (open captions with audio description).
From our archives, this black and white and silent travelogue was produced by the Great Northern Railway circa 1930, before the Going-to-the-Sun Road was completed in Glacier National Park. You may notice some familiar views in this film. Although the film shows early visitors interacting with wildlife, visitors today should not feed or approach wildlife (audio description).
Road out of Rock is a black and white silent film that was made during the construction of the Going-to-the-Sun Road in Glacier National Park. It shows the monumental task of building a road on the side of a mountain using early machinery and methods. Although the film shows a bear being fed, please to not approach or feed wildlife (audio description).
Native America Speaks is a program that facilitates Glacier's neighbors telling their own stories about and within the landscapes that they have inhabited for millennia. This film, made in 2019, chronicles the program's history over the decades through the voices of the presenters themselves.
Ernie Heavy Runner gives a presentation at the Blackfeet Heritage Center in Browning, Montana on July 11, 2019 as part of the Native America Speaks series.