News Release

Transportation Grants Available for School Field Trips

Students jump in the air during a game in a canyon
Students play a game in Golden Canyon

NPS - Kurt Moses

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News Release Date: November 7, 2017

Contact: Brandi Stewart, 760-786-3226

Transportation Grants Available for School Field Trips


DEATH VALLEY, CA – Death Valley National Park and the Death Valley Natural History Association are excited to offer transportation grants for school groups participating in park field trips. This opportunity was made possible by generous donations from Death Valley education program supporters and the National Park Foundation.

“We are thrilled to be able to assist school groups in coming to Death Valley National Park,” said David Blacker, executive director of the Death Valley Natural History Association, a non-profit partner of the park. “Death Valley offers a unique learning opportunity and educators should not miss a chance to bring out their school groups.”

Students can investigate life on the sand dunes, discover ancient landscapes in a canyon, study unique habitats, and explore the lowest point in North America.

“It’s inspiring to see local students apply the concepts from the classroom to a national park that is right in their backyard,” said Brandi Stewart, education program coordinator. “Through these transportation grants, even more students can engage in hands-on learning here in Death Valley.”

These grants will help cover transportation costs for school groups visiting during the 2017-2018 school year. While the ranger-led programs are free, transportation costs can be a barrier for schools interested in field trips to the park. This funding provides an opportunity for schools to extend student learning into the outdoors.

Teachers and school administrators can request additional information about transportation grants and curriculum-based field trip programs by visiting the education section of the park’s website ( or contacting the education program coordinator, Brandi Stewart, at 760-786-3226 or e-mail us.


Death Valley National Park is the homeland of the Timbisha Shoshone and preserves natural and cultural resources, exceptional wilderness, scenery, and learning experiences within the nation’s largest conserved desert landscape and some of the most extreme climate and topographic conditions on the planet. About two-thirds of the park was originally designated as Death Valley National Monument in 1933. Today the park is enjoyed by about 1,300,000 people per year. The park is 3,400,000 acres – nearly as large as the state of Connecticut. 

Last updated: November 7, 2017

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