News Release
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Contact: Nick Myers, (307) 467-5283 x224
Devils Tower National Monument reminds winter visitors to plan ahead before traveling.Winter is coming and Devils Tower National Monument has opportunities to get outdoors. The monument is open every day of the year for visitors to enjoy. While a winter trip can be very rewarding, extra preparation is key to a safe and fun visit. Travel conditions can change quickly in northern Wyoming. Trails are open, but snow removal is very limited. Snowshoes, boot traction devices, and trekking poles will help on icy trails and walkways.
Visitor Center and Bookstore: Through November 30, the visitor center is open daily from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm except for Thanksgiving Day, November 28 when it will be closed for the holiday. The visitor center and bookstore will close for the season on December 1. Maps and information will be available at the entrance station, administration building, and outside of the visitor center.
Limited Services: Lodging, food, and beverages are not available at Devils Tower National Monument. Area communities such as Hulett, Moorcroft, and Sundance, WY offer such services year-round. The Belle Fourche River Campground is closed for the season and no other camping is permitted in the monument. Drinking water is available in the restrooms near the visitor center parking lot and administration building.
Rock Climbing: Even in winter, free permits are required for all rock climbers. Permits are available at the climber registration kiosk in the visitor center parking area for self-registration.
Emergencies: In the event of an emergency, dial 911.
More Information: Park partner, the Devils Tower Natural History Association, can accept online and phone orders all year. See their website or call for more details and products: 307-467-5283 x639.
Last updated: November 13, 2019