
Today, as in the past, many Alaskans live off the land, relying on fish, wildlife and other wild resources. Alaska Natives have used these subsistence resources for food, shelter, clothing, transportation, handicrafts and trade for thousands of years.

Subsistence, and all it entails, is critical to sustaining both the physical and spiritual culture of Alaska Native peoples. It is an important tradition for many non-Natives as well.
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Nikolai is a remote Alaska village located in central Alaska near the Kuskokwim River. In June 2013 elders of the community came together and taught their youth how to build a fishwheel, which is a device Athabascans have used for centuries to catch fish.


When the first Europeans visited Alaska's shores during the 1740s, all the local residents they met were engaged in a subsistence lifestyle. As the population grew through the territorial days, many new and conflicting demands were made on Alaska's natural and cultural resources. Development in various forms, such as harvesting marine and inland furbearers, commercial fisheries, mining operations, agriculture, development of military bases, along with establishment of cities and towns often impacted local resources and subsistence activities. By the time Alaska gained statehood in 1959, subsistence patterns in some of Alaska's more populated areas had been greatly affected.

To learn more about the history and culture of subsistence in Alaska's National Parks download the subsistence publication, "Promises to Keep."

Learn More about Subsistence

Who Are Subsistence Users?

Equipment and Access

What Resources Can Be Used?

Program Details


Get Involved

Throughout Alaska, management of subsistence use on federal lands (e.g., national parks) is largely handled through the Federal Subsistence Board. Board meetings are an opportunity to interact with people who oversee the program and to suggest proposals for changes to subsistence management.

Next Denali Subsistence Resource Commission Meeting: Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at 10 am

The meeting will be held via Teleconference only.

Teleconference Call-In Number: 1-800-810-1272
Participant Code: 5366629

The Superintendent of Denali National Park and Preserve and the Chairperson of the Denali Subsistence Resource Commission announce a forthcoming meeting of the Subsistence Resource Commission for Denali National Park and Preserve. Public testimony opportunities will be provided. Contact Amy Craver (907-342-2877) with questions.


  1. Call to Order – Chair Charlie Wright
  2. Roll Call and Confirmation of Quorum – Amy Craver
  3. Introductions – Charlie Wright
  4. Superintendent’s Welcome – Brooke Merrell
  5. Approval of Minutes from Last Commission Meeting- Amy Craver
  6. Commissioners’ Updates on Subsistence Issues/Activities – Charlie Wright
  7. Additions and Corrections to Draft Agenda – Amy Craver
  8. Public and Other Agency Comments
  9. Old Business
    • Federal Registration Moose Hunt – Amy Craver and Pat Owen
  10. New Business
    • Regional Office Update – Victoria Florey
      • Update on Final Wildlife Rule
    • Status of SRC Vacancies – Amy Craver
    • Denali SRC Charter – Amy Craver
    • SAC funded Nenana Beaver Trapping Culture Camp – Amy Craver
  11. Reports and Updates
    • Ranger Division Update – David Olson
    • Resources Update – Dave Schirokauer
    • Cultural Resources Update – Liz Gonzalez Negrete
    • Fish and Wildlife Updates – Pat Owen
  12. Public and Other Agency Comments
  13. Set Time and Place for next Denali SRC Meeting
  14. Adjournment

Do you find the Federal Subsistence Management Program and hunting and fishing regulations confusing? If so, you are not alone.

Denali National Park and Preserve and the Denali Subsistence Resource Commission (SRC) developed the resources above to clarify complicated regulations for subsistence users. They contain important information including; qualifications for hunting, trapping and fishing, various ways you can access hunting areas in the park, ideas on how you can participate in the regulatory change process, use of cabins, collection of fire wood and other topics.

Although Federal subsistence hunting and trapping opportunities are not limited to National Park Service lands, this guide is designed to provide information specific to Denali. You should consult other agencies about subsistence programs on their lands.

Denali National Park and Preserve and the Denali Subsistence Resource Commission are committed to providing the opportunity for rural Alaskans engaged in a subsistence way of life to continue to do so. Park staff and the Commission are working to protect subsistence opportunities by conserving natural and healthy fish and wildlife populations. Input from subsistence users is crucial to the subsistence management program at Denali. Please participate by attending SRC meetings or sharing your concerns with us.

Last updated: August 13, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

PO Box 9
Denali Park, AK 99755


907 683-9532
A ranger is available 9 am to 4 pm daily (except on major holidays). If you reach the voicemail, please leave a message and we'll call you back as soon as we finish with the previous caller.

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