News Release

Denali to Host Talkeetna Community Trail Day on July 28, 2018

people posing in a group photo next to full trash bags

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News Release Date: July 20, 2018

Contact: Katherine Belcher, (907) 683-9583

 Denali National Park and Preserve is hosting a Talkeetna Community Trail Day to clean up Chase Trail and the riverfront of the Talkeetna River from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on July 28, 2018.

Everyone is welcome to join this fun, family-oriented activity! Volunteers will collect trash along the trail and nearby river. The National Park Service will provide garbage bags, work gloves and safety equipment.

Sign-ups and a safety briefing begin at 10 a.m. in front of the Walter Harper Talkeetna Ranger Station located at 22241 S. B St., and parking is available at the ranger station. Volunteers should come prepared for a moderate work day with water, lunch, snacks, clothing layers and rain gear. Everyone should be back at the parking lot by 2 pm.

Volunteers will receive thank-you gifts from the NPS.

Last updated: July 23, 2018

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907 683-9532
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