Spring Events 2017

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News Release Date: June 1, 2017

Contact: Visitor Center Staff, 208-527-1335

June 10: Wildflower Walk (NHA)
The Craters of the Moon Natural History Association will be offering a wildflower walk led by retired park ranger, Douglass Owen. Donations will be accepted to assist schools with travel expenses for field trips. Pack a lunch to be eaten in the field, wear sturdy shoes, and bring water. Meet at the Tree Molds parking lot at 10 a.m. Call (208)527-1335 to make a reservation, walk is limited to 25 people. 
June 10: Pioneers Bike Tour
Bring a mountain bike and join us for a tour of Goodales Cutoff…where the Pioneer Mountains meet the lava. This 16-mile ride covers relatively flat terrain along an old pioneer trail with part of the loop circling back on the highway. Mountain bikes are recommended due to soft sections of trail. Meet at the Visitor Center at 9 a.m. Rides are co-sponsored by the Pioneer Alliance. Call 208-726-7485 for reservations. Bring water and snacks.
June 4 - Labor Day: Ranger guided Walks and Talks 
Explore a lava tube or join us for an evening presentation. Walks and talks and Junior Ranger activities are offered daily throughout the summer. Look for a detailed schedule at: https://www.nps.gov/crmo/planyourvisit/calendar.htm

June 16-17: Nature Photography Workshop (NHA)
The Craters of the Moon Natural History Association (NHA) will be offering a photography workshop taught by photographer and retired park ranger, Douglass Owen. You will learn photographic techniques and naturalist skills that will lead to greater success in nature photography. There will be a classroom session from 1-5 p.m. on Friday evening. Saturday will be spent in the field shooting pictures. Donations will be accepted to assist schools with travel expenses for field trips. Call 527-1335 to make a reservation, workshop is limited to 15 people. Meet at the visitor center. 

June 23-24: Star Party 
Join experts from the Idaho Falls Astronomical Society and our very own “Astro-Ranger” to experience the universe under our naturally dark skies. Opportunities for solar viewing will be available at the visitor center both days. At 9:30 p.m. each evening there will be a presentation about the night sky at the campground amphitheater. Then head to the Caves Area parking lot for telescope viewing of the skies above. Call 208-527-1335 for more information.


Last updated: June 1, 2017

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Mailing Address:

Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve
1266 Craters Loop Road
P.O. Box 29

Arco, ID 83213


208 527-1300

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