Plan Your Visit

2023 LRCHS front facade
The front façade at Little Rock Central High School.

NPS Photo

Welcome to Little Rock Central High School NHS

Before coming to Little Rock, plan your visit from the below categories to help you have a meaningful and safe experience in Central Arkansas.

Basic Information
Basic Information

Start here to plan your next visit to Little Rock Central High School NHS

Directions and Transportation
Directions and Transportation

Navigate to the NHS with detailed directions and a park map.

A park ranger leads a group on a bicycle tour of Little Rock.
Health and Safety

Recreate Responsibly! Before your visit, explore these resources to plan about a fun & safe adventure to Central High School NHS.

A heritage dance festival takes place at the vistitor center
Things to Do

What are the available activities at Little Rock Central High School NHS?

Accessible exhibits inside the Visitor Center

Learn more about the accessible facilities, programs, services and activities (indoor and outdoor) at Central High School NHS.

A view from the Visitor Center at duskl
Places to Go

What places can I explore to learn the story of the Little Rock Nine?

A waterfall in Lake Catherine State Park near Hot Springs, Arkansas
Attractions Nearby

Find recreational opportunities at NPS units, on federal public lands, in state parks and other cultural sites in Arkansas.

The Little Rock Nine and Harry Belafonte help commemorate the anniversary of desegregation.
Calendar of Events

Check to see what special programs or events are happening at the NHS.

Schedule a guided interpretive program
Programs at Central High School NHS

Programs here at the NHS are offered at 1:00 p.m. CST/CDT; some dates may be unavailable. Visit this page to learn how to reserve.

Last updated: August 13, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

Little Rock Central High School NHS
2120 W. Daisy L. Gatson Bates Drive

Little Rock, AR 72202-5212



Contact Us