Rooted in the purpose of Little Rock Central High School NHS as defined in its enabling legislation, the mission of the park is to interpret the desegregation events of 1957 at Little Rock Central High School, both on its own and as a catalyst for the Civil Rights movement nationwide. The 1957 desegregation crisis emphasized the quest for justice and equality for all, and Little Rock Central High School NHS seeks to expand an understanding of this fundamental aspiration shown by the Little Rock Nine into contemporary issues. Little Rock Central High School NHS, therefore, seeks to preserve both the physical and the intangible resources associated with the goals of the Civil Rights Movement in the past, the present, and the future. This dual goal, to convey both the significance of the events at Little Rock Central High School in 1957 and the ongoing pursuit of justice and equality, has resulted in multiple interpretive and public engagement strategies that use the several facilities within the park and beyond. Superintendent's Compendium
Possession of Firearms in National Park Service Units
Last updated: June 10, 2021