News Release

Closure Due to Hurricane Maria

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Date: September 18, 2017

Christiansted National Historic Site has initiated the emergency response plan for the three National Park units on St. Croix, including Buck Island Reef National Monument and Salt River Bay National Historical Park and Ecological Preserve. Hurricane Maria will pass south of St. Croix Tuesday evening into Wednesday. In the interest of employee safety the parks will finalize these plans and shut down later today (Monday September 18 2017). The parks, facilities, and Concessioner operations will be closed Tuesday September 19 until further notice. The park will continue to monitor this system closely and will make decisions about park facilities on Thursday (September 21) or Friday (September 22). Once Hurricane Maria passes NPS staff will assess any damages and determine when the parks can be safely opened. Law enforcement will be on duty providing coverage during the normal operation period.

For further information on status of closure, and details on the reopening of facilities please call 340.277.6794, visit our website at, or, or our Facebook page at For updated information regarding the National Park Service’s response and recovery to Hurricanes Irma and Maria, please visit

Last updated: May 8, 2019

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