What is a Commercial Use Authorization (CUA)?
Private businesses play an important role in helping Chickasaw National Recreation Area carry out its mission by offering services to park visitors that are not provided directly by the government.
A commercial use authorization (CUA) is a permit that allows a private business to operate small-scale, commercial activities within Chickasaw National Recreation Area. Activities must be consistent with the purpose for which Chickasaw National Recreation Area was established.
Who needs a CUA?
A CUA is required if you provide any goods, activities, services, or other function for park visitors that:
- Take place, at least in part, within the boundaries of Chickasaw National Recreation Area
- Use park resources
- Result in compensation, monetary gain, benefit, or profit to you.
What businesses have CUAs for Chickasaw National Recreation Area?
Arbuckle Trail Rides
Drew & Co. Guide Service, LLC
Red's Kayak and Outdoor Rentals
How do I apply for a CUA?
CUA applications are now online. An instructional video is available to help.
For questions regarding CUAs please email e-mail us