Permits & Reservations


Backcountry Permits and Reservations

Day-Use Permits

You must have a day-use permit for four-wheel-drive, motorcycle, and bicycle travel on:

  • White Rim Road (Island in the Sky)
  • Elephant Hill, Lavender Canyon, and Peekaboo/Horse Canyon roads (The Needles)

Day use permits can be reserved at 8 am mountain time the day before the trip on

Overnight Permits

All overnight trips in the park backcountry require an overnight backcountry permit. Overnight permit reservations are very competitive.

  • All backcountry overnight permits become available on a seasonal basis, four months before the start of the season on
    • Spring permits (March 10 – June 9) open November 10 at 8 am MST.
    • Summer permits (June 10 – September 9) open February 10 at 8 am MST.
    • Fall permits (September 10 – December 9) open May 10 at 8 am MST.
    • Winter permits (December 10 – March 9) open August 10 at 8 am MST.

River Permits

All day and overnight trips on the rivers require a river permit.

Academic institutions may conduct flatwater and whitewater river trips under a special-use permit.

Horseback Riding, and Pack- and Stock-Use Permits

All pack- and saddle-stock use requires a permit.

Needles Campground Reservations

To make a reservation, visit, or call 877-444-6777, 877-833-6777 (TDD), or +1 518-885-3639 (International).

Individual Sites

  • You can reserve individual campsites in Loop B of the Needles campground in spring and fall.

Group Sites

Special Use Permits

Gatherings and commercial activities in national parks often require a special use permit. Permits ensure the protection of the park's natural and cultural resources, as well as minimize conflicts between park visitors and your guests.You (may) need a permit for:

Sample Acknowledgement of Risk Form

Special Use Permit holders may not require clients to sign a waiver of liability statement or form, insurance disclaimer and/or indemnification agreement. They may request or require clients to sign an acknowledgement of risk statement or form prior to participation. You can download a sample. [177k Accessible PDF]

Commercial Use

If you are a commercial outfitter or tour group leading guided trips into the park, you must obtain a Commercial Use Authorization.

Last updated: February 6, 2025

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2282 Resource Blvd.
Moab, UT 84532



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