News Release
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Conservation & Trail Protection – An Archeological Overview and Assessment (AOA) of Werowocomoco was completed. The document summarizes the current state of archeological research and will provide a baseline for future study and management of the site.
Youth & Education – The trail piloted an individual placement program for tribal youth. Over 26 weeks, the two placements took a deep dive into park management, gaining experience across park divisions.
In the News –The trail was featured in the book America’s National Historic Trails: Walking the Trails of History.
Staff Corner – A new communications associate joined the team and relaunched the trail's monthly newsletter.
Partners Corner – Our nonprofit partners and visitor contact stations were busy this year, working to conserve land, provide socially distanced education and recreation, and engage visitors with the trail in new and exciting ways.
Native Stories in Native Places – Trail staff continued consultations with Virginia tribal nations regarding the future of research, preservation, and education at Werowocomoco.
Read the full 2020 State of the Trail Report.
The 2019 State of the Trail Report is available from the Chesapeake Conservancy, the trail’s principal nonprofit partner.
Last updated: November 22, 2022