World Oceans Day is June 8 - NPS Offers Special Programs

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Date: May 28, 2013
Contact: Outer Banks Group, 252-475-9034

National Park Service Outer Banks Group Superintendent Barclay Trimble invites the public to experience the great ocean resources of Cape Hatteras National Seashore on Saturday, June 8, 2013 in celebration of World Oceans Day. First recognized by the United Nations in 2008, World Oceans Day is designated as a special day for people around the globe to celebrate ocean resources.

The following programs are free and do not require reservations.

·8:30 a.m., Sound Side Seining (1 hour) - Join a ranger for this hands-on activity in the Pamlico Sound. Using a seining net, investigate the small creatures that will one day live in the ocean. Bring sunscreen, water, a pair of water shoes, and a hat. Meetat the Salvo Day Use Area just south of Salvo, NC.

·9:30 a.m., At the Ocean's Edge (All Day) - In celebration of World Oceans Day, the National Park Service will have a booth, with hands-on exhibits, at this year's Ocrafolk Festival. Rangers will be available to talk about the relationship between the community of Ocracoke and the ocean that surrounds it. Stop by at the festival grounds in Ocracoke Village.

·10:00 a.m., Our Ocean Provides (1 hour) - Join us for a morning, ranger-led walk across the undeveloped ocean beaches. Learn about the ocean--how we benefit from this precious resource and what we can do to protect and conserve it. Bring sunscreen, water, a pair of shoes that can get wet, and a hat.Meet at the old Cape Hatteras Lighthouse site located just north of the Hatteras Island Visitor Center in Buxton, NC.

·2:00 p.m., Keeping Our Oceans Thriving and Surviving (30 minutes) - Join a ranger for an afternoon talk about our changing oceans. Learn how the Atlantic Ocean affects Cape Hatteras National Seashore, and what we can do to help all oceans stay clean, healthy, and productive. Meet at the pavilion located adjacent to the Hatteras Island Visitor Center in Buxton, NC.

·2:30 p.m., Explore the Shore (1 hour) - Join us for a mid-afternoon ranger-led walk where you can learn about this changing shoreline and the creatures that live there as we explore the beach at the north end of Cape Hatteras National Seashore. Bring sunscreen, water, and a hat

For general information on the Outer Banks Group national park sites, visit,,; Twitter @CapeHatterasNPS, @WrightBrosNPS, @FortRaleighNPS; or call 252-473-2111.


Last updated: April 14, 2015

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252 473-2111

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