Prenesting Areas Established for 2014 Shorebird Breeding Season

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Date: March 11, 2014
Contact: Outer Banks Group, 252-475-9034

Between January 28 and February 8, 2014, National Park Service (NPS) Resources Management staff conducted annual assessments of breeding habitat for piping plover (PIPL), Wilson's plover (WIPL), American oystercatcher (AMOY), and colonial waterbirds (CWBs).During these assessments, preferred habit was located and prenesting areas for PIPL, AMOY and/or WIPL, weather and shoreline conditions permitting, will be installed by March 15; prenesting areas for CWB sites will be installed by April 15.The 2014 breeding habitat assessment and prenesting maps will be posted no later than March 15 and April 15 respectively, on the NPS PEPC website under the Document List for the ORV Management Plan/EIS and Rulemaking project at:

The prenesting closure areas are based on the recent breeding history of the respective protected species at the Seashore and the actual habitat conditions observed during the annual assessment.At most prenesting areas pedestrian access is allowed along the shoreline below the ocean high tide line until such time that shorebird breeding activity is observed, then standard species-specific buffers will be implemented. Dogs are generally prohibited in the pedestrian shoreline access corridor below the high tide line adjacent to the prenesting closures and within any posted resource closure, but properly leashed dogs are otherwise allowed in open ORV routes and pedestrian areas. The site-specific restrictions are posted at each location with on-site signage and is the most accurate and up-to-date indication of access status.

In addition, on March 15 the Bodie Island Spit seasonal ORV route from 0.2 mile south of Ramp 4 to the inlet will be changed to a seasonal Vehicle Free Area while the designated year-round ORV route from 0.5 of a mile south of Coquina Beach to 0.2 of a mile south of Ramp 4 remains open to vehicles with access via Ramp 4.

ORV permits are available online by visiting website or at the following park locations: Coquina Beach (8101 NC 12 Highway, Nags Head, NC), the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse Visitor Center (46368 Lighthouse Road, Buxton), and the Ocracoke Visitor Center (40 Irvin Garrish Highway, Ocracoke, NC). The permit offices are open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., year-round, seven days a week, except Christmas Day, with expanded hours on weekends and holidays during the summer season.The cost of an annual permit (valid for the calendar year) is $120.A 7-day ORV permit (valid from the date issued) costs $50.

The Seashore's interactive Google Earth map has been updated to reflect these changes. The map is available on-line at: the summer season, this map is subject to frequent changes and on-site signage provides current conditions.

For more general information, call 252-473-2111 or visit the park webpage at:


Last updated: April 14, 2015

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Cape Hatteras National Seashore
1401 National Park Drive

Manteo, NC 27954


252 473-2111

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