NPS Launches “Beach Watch” Program

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Date: June 15, 2009
Contact: Cyndy Holda, 252-473-2111, ext. 148

Superintendent Mike Murray announces the implementation of a new volunteer “Beach Watch” program for the 2009 summer season.  The program’s goal is to prevent incidents of vandalism, crime, and damage to park resources and property, and to ensure the National Seashore is a safe place for the visiting public.


The program is intended to assist the National Park Service (NPS) in monitoring inappropriate or illegal activities at Cape Hatteras National Seashore and extend the educational components of good stewardship practices of the park’s natural resources.  Volunteers are needed and will be trained to assist the NPS in assuring compliance with beach resource closures, monitoring areas of concern experiencing crowded conditions, and helping ensure a safe visit for park visitors. 


The idea for the program began when community leaders, concerned park user groups, and park staff began discussing ways to prevent vandalism and unauthorized entry into resource closures, which leads to closures expansions.  The park is interested in recruiting a group of volunteers from the surrounding communities who spend time on the beach.  The program will also ask the visiting public to report inappropriate activities.  To learn more about this new program and volunteer time to help protect the resources call Ocracoke Park Ranger Bill Caswell at 252-928-5111 ext. 26.

Last updated: April 14, 2015

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