Date: July 20, 2009
Contact: Outer Banks Group, 252-473-2111
Superintendent Mike Murray announced today the reopening of two off-road vehicle (ORV) ramps on Hatteras Island. Ramp 27, located approximately 4.5 miles south of Salvo, and Ramp 45 near Buxton are open effective immediately.
At Ramp 27, approximately 1.0 mile of ocean shoreline north and 0.1 of mile south has reopened for ORV and pedestrian access. There currently is no through access between Ramp 27 and Ramp 30. At Ramp 45, approximately 0.2 mile west of Ramp 45 and 0.2 mile east of Ramp 45 has reopened for ORV and pedestrian access. There currently is no through access from Ramp 45 along the beach to adjacent access points. The Interdunal Road is open. Salt Pond Road remains closed.
Temporary resource protection areas are established to protect threatened and endangered species, including piping plovers and sea turtles, and for species of concern, including American oystercatchers and colonial waterbirds (terns and black skimmers). For more information, call 252-473-2111 ext. 148.