Superintendent David Hallac announced today that VRHabilis, LLC, of Knoxville, Tennessee has begun the new ramp construction project to provide additional off-road vehicle (ORV) access to ocean beaches of Cape Hatteras National Seashore. The new ramp will be located approximately 3 miles south of the ferry dock at the north end of Ocracoke Island, North Carolina. The project, funded with ORV fee monies, marks the continuation of several proposed construction projects to facilitate beach access for the public. VRHabilis will construct the ramp by creating a gentle slope for ORV traffic from Highway 12 to the beach front, while maintaining a crest height similar to the existing dune landscape. The grading project will be followed by National Park Service employees surfacing the ramp with a shell and clay mixture.
The ramp is expected to be open for public use by the end of spring. For public safety, entry into the construction area is prohibited until construction is complete.
Last updated: January 8, 2016