Get Involved


Caring for YOUR National Park

The National Park Service cannot exist without the support and interest of the public- meaning you! Please take an active interest in your parks and let us know what they mean to you. If you have a park story, comment, or suggestion you can contact us and tell us about it.


Working for the Park

The staff is small at Casa Grande Ruins and paid openings are rare. That doesn't mean you should give up! There are several ways to be hired at the park to complete a variety of jobs. You can contact the park, search USAjobs, or follow the Work with Us section of this website.



Whether it is a day, week, month, or a few hours you have to spare there may be a volunteer opportunity open at Casa Grande Ruins. Most of the volunteer work is done in the cooler fall and winter months.



Park supporters and visitors are very generous with their time and funds. School groups receive supplies and materials during park programs, assistance with transportation costs, and loaner materials thanks to donations made. Even the everyday visitor to Casa Grande Ruins receives handouts, volunteer attention, and special care thanks to donations. Thank you.

encapsulation treatment for the ruins
Volunteers work on adding another layer of protection to the ruins. The encapsulation treatments last about 2 years and consist mainly of caliche- the same material originally used to make the pre-historic walls.


Last updated: March 18, 2015

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

1100 W. Ruins Drive
Coolidge, AZ 85128


520 723-3172
General park contact number includes a phone tree for finding the employee you wish to contact. Callers may dial zero for the phone attendant. Voicemail is available for many of the extensions.

Contact Us