![]() NPS Photo/Tiffany Zadi Pingue Rubberweed Hymenoxys richardsonii Common Names: Pingue Rubberplant, Colorado Rubberplant General DescriptionA small, bushy plant about 0.5 meter high. The stalk is thick and woody with stem bases covered with a woolly growth. Colorado rubberweed belongs to the sunflower family. It has golden-yellow or orange flowers that resemble asters. Woolly, cotton like fibers are often attached at the crown of the plant. HabitatGrows in dry areas of the West at elevations of 6000 to 8000 feet. It is found mostly on mountains and foothills. Plant LoreAll aboveground parts of the plant contain a poisonous sesquiterpene lactone which can slowly build up in the bodies of livestock, eventually harming the animal. In areas where desirable forage plants are crowded out, Pingue Rubberweed appears and begins to spread. Further ReadingUSDA Agricultural Research Service - Colorado Rubberweed |
Last updated: April 30, 2023