News Release

Big South Fork Experienced Continued High Visitation in 2022

Paddler taking a moment to rest and enjoy the moment in the park


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News Release Date: February 28, 2023

Contact: Christopher Derman, 423-569-9778

Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area experienced continued high visitation in 2022. Last year, nearly 800,000 visitors decided to experience the park. “Big South Fork offers solace, inspiration, and endless recreation opportunities for everyone in this incredible place,” said Superintendent Niki Stephanie Nicholas. “Whatever outdoor recreational experience you’re looking for, Big South Fork is a park for everyone.”

As you plan your travel, take advantage of the search feature on the NPS website to search by state, activity and topic– you're sure to discover a hidden gem or two. Also be sure to download the NPS App from the iOS App Store or Google Play Store to find up-to-date information about the more than 400 national parks across the country.

For an in-depth look at visitation statistics, please visit the National Park Service Social Science website. For national summaries and individual park figures, please visit the National Park Service Visitor Use Statistics website.

Last updated: March 28, 2023

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