Time spent at a trading post during the fur trade era varied between extremes. It could be completely exhausting on some days and completely boring the next. No matter the season, those passing through busied themselves with various activities like getting a fair trade, solving real world problems, or simply playing a card game with friends. To get a small taste, you can try your hand at a card game called Spanish Monte which was played in the Southwest from the early 1800s and into the Gold Rush era. You could make a beaded necklace by trading your cut-out buffalo robe for the beads you select. Or you could solve story problems using geometry for some of the objects and cultural artifacts found at Bent's Fort. Choose one that fills up your fun and splashes you and your group with different historical aspects of Bent's Old Fort! Try your hand at Spanish Monte!
Spanish Monte playing cards, dominoes, and pieces of eight Make a necklace by trading for beads!
Girl smiles while making a beaded necklace Math is beautiful!
Crow-made deerskin pouch with brightly colored beads forming symmetrical geometric patterns |
Last updated: November 14, 2024