For Kids

A ranger kneeling down next to a child. The child is finger painting with clay onto a brown sheet of paper. The activity is about creating your own pictograph.
A ranger working with a visitor on making her own pictograph.

Patrick Christman

Aztec Ruins National Monument is a great place for the whole family! Kids are welcome to earn a wooden badge by completing the Junior Ranger program, learn more about ancestral Pueblo activities by interacting with the ArcKart, read books by the fireplace in the visitor center, or take a walk through the Aztec West great house.

There are also kid-oriented books, toys, and souvenirs for sale in the Western National Parks Association bookstore located in the visitor center.

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

725 Ruins Road
Aztec, NM 87410


505 334-6174 x0

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