Contact: Sabrina Henry, 435-719-2135
The National Park Service (NPS) has announced that its Environmental Assessment for Road Maintenance in Arches National Park is available for public review and comment. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in cooperation with the NPS is proposing rehabilitation of approximately 23 miles of road and pullouts in Arches National Park. The project proposal also includes: construction of turnarounds at Windows and Devils Garden loop roads; removal and replacement of railing at Courthouse Wash Bridge; drainage work near the entrance station, and; construction of an additional entrance lane for pass holders and possible future shuttle bus operations. This Environmental Assessment (EA) evaluates two alternatives: a no action alternative and an action alternative. The no action alternative describes the current condition if road maintenance, parking lot expansion, pullout and turnaround formalization, and bypass lane work is not completed. The action alternative addresses the rehabilitation, restoring, and resurfacing of the paved road as well as expansion of parking, formalization of pullouts and turnarounds, and construction of a new entrance station bypass lane. The EA is available for public review and comment on the NPS Planning, Environment, and Public Comment (PEPC) website ( under Parkwide Road Maintenance and Modification. Hard copies will be available for review at the Southeast Utah Group Headquarters on Resource Blvd., the Arches National Park Visitor Center, and the Grand County Public Library. Comments unable to be made on the PEPC website can be sent to: National Park Service, Southeast Utah Group, Attn: Planning and Compliance Coordinator, 2282 S. West Resource Blvd, Moab, Utah 84532. Deadline for comments is September 4, 2013. |
Last updated: February 24, 2015