Contact: Mark Miller, 435-719-2130
Effective immediately, the route known as Industrial Disease in the Devils Garden area of the park and the feature known as Tonka Tower (including the feature immediately north of Tonka Tower) in the Windows area of the park are again open to rock climbing. The following routes or features inside Arches National Park remain closed to rock climbing to protect sensitive wildlife species in accordance with the authority of Title 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 1, Section 1.5(a)(1). These closures will remain in effect through the end of the termination date specified below, or until surveys determine associated habitats to be unoccupied by nesting raptors and/or lambing desert bighorn sheep. If surveys determine habitats to be unoccupied by sensitive wildlife, further notice will be given to update the list of temporarily closed climbing routes.
Last updated: February 24, 2015