Admission to National Parks Free the Weekend of June 5 and 6

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Date: May 31, 2010
Contact: Paul Henderson, 435-719-2102

In celebration of America’s great outdoors, the four parks of the Southeast Utah Group (Arches, Canyonlands, Hovenweep, and Natural Bridges) will be joining national parks and wildlife refuges around the country in offering free admission to the parks on Saturday and Sunday, June 5 and 6.

Visitors arriving on June 5 or 6 will be allowed to enter free of charge and will receive a $0 receipt good through June 6. Those who plan to spend time in a park beyond the 6th will need to pay the regular entrance fee for the remainder of their stay.

Park visitors are reminded that the fee-free designation applies to entrance fees only and does not affect fees for camping, reservations, or tours. Park entrance stations will have Interagency Senior and Annual Passes available for those who wish to purchase them

This summer’s fee-free days are intended to encourage Americans to get outdoors and experience their public lands. Additional admission-free days are planned for August 14 and 15, September 25 and November 11.

Last updated: February 24, 2015

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