David B. Simeral to Speak on Climate Change at American Memorial Park

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Date: February 23, 2014
Contact: Mr. Justin Mills, NPS
Contact: Mr. John Furey, APASEEM

 For Immediate Release:

The Asia Pacific Academy of Sciences, Science Education, and Environmental Management, APASEEM, and the National Park Service, NPS, are pleased to invite the general public to a presentation this week, on the current hot topic of Climate Change. Ph.D. Candidate David B. Simeral, a visiting expert in the field, will share recent findings, explain monitoring methods, and show monitoring apparatuses being deployed nationwide to better observe and document climate change throughout National Park Service locations. Mr. Simeral is from the Western Regional Climate Center, www.wrcc.dri.edu. He will also talk about how climate monitoring works, the role of the Western Regional Climate Center, and how the station located within American Memorial Park fits into the global effort to understand climate conditions.

The presentation is at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 26, 2014, at the American Memorial Park auditorium. The talk will be accompanied by a multimedia presentation followed by a question and answer dialogue. As always, APASEEM encourages questions from local scientists and the general public. Please share the word to those interested in learning more about this current world environmental issue.

More information about the monitoring project is available at www.wrcc.dri.edu/nps and www.science.nature.nps.gov/IM/inventory/climate/index.cfm.


Last updated: February 27, 2015

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