
Regional map of Acadia indicating locations of four campgrounds
Regional map of Acadia indicating locations of four campgrounds

Acadia National Park Campgrounds

Camping is a great way to experience Acadia National Park. Acadia offers two campgrounds on Mount Desert Island, one campground on the Schoodic Peninsula, and five lean-to shelters on Isle au Haut.

All campsite reservations must be made in advance on the park's campground pages below or at There are no same day reservations and no campsites are available for request upon arrival.

Online Reservation Tips:

  • You will need to make an account before you can reserve your campsite.
  • Reservations are available two months in advance.
  • If you're not able to reserve a particular campsite, it might not be available, or you may be checking dates ahead of the 60-day rolling window.

There is no backcountry camping, "out-of-bounds" camping, overnight parking, or winter camping allowed anywhere in Acadia. There are many types of accommodations in nearby towns.

Firewood brought in from other areas may contain non-native insect species that pose a serious threat to park resources. Quarantines have been issued for some areas. Please leave your firewood at home. Firewood is available locally.

Row of visitors holding mobile devices

Acadia Goes Mobile: Reserve Your Campsite Online

Before you visit, make sure your phone or tablet is fully equipped with two official apps designed by and for Acadia. Swipe through location details, check real-time availability, and reserve a campsite right from your phone or tablet. Buy a Cadillac Summit Vehicle Reservation, then download or screen capture your confirmation code to display at the check station.

A ranger station with a flag pole and driveways leading up to it
Blackwoods Campground

This campground is on the east side of Mount Desert Island in proximity to popular locations along the Park Loop Road.

A wooden ranger station with a flag pole and driveways leading up to it
Seawall Campground

This campground is located on the west side of Mount Desert Island near the coastline.

A wooden ranger station with a flag pole and patio style entrance
Schoodic Woods Campground

This campground is located on the Schoodic Peninsula, the only mainland section of the park.

A wooden lean-to shelter with a broom in the far corner
Duck Harbor Campground

Duck Harbor Campground is located on Isle au Haut and only accessible by mailboat from the mainland.

Two large draft horses pull a wagon with a single driver
Wildwood Stables

Photo courtesy of William Overbeeke. Used with permission.

Wildwood Stables Campground

  • Open only to visitors with stock animals.
  • See also Wildwood Stables
  • For information about the tours offered at Wildwood Stables, visit the website, email or call 207-600-7204.

Last updated: June 20, 2024

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Mailing Address:

PO Box 177
Bar Harbor, ME 04609


207 288-3338

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