
A black and white image of a group of people in early 20th century clothes pose in the back of an open air railcar

Transportation to and around Yosemite has always provided a challenge as the park seeks to balance accessibility with preservation. From the early days of toll roads and stagecoach routes to Mission 66 roads to the modern shuttle system, transportation has helped determine who can see Yosemite, and how.


Continue the Story of Concessions History in Yosemite

Black and white photo of dog sled

Early concessioners brought luxury entertainment and recreation to their guests. Today's visitors can still find something for everyone.

Building with sign that says Cosmopolitan Bath House

From rough cabins to historic resorts, Yosemite has hosted an array of overnight accommodations.

Stone cottage with a sign that says Best's Studio

Basket makers, dancers, photographers, painters, and artists of all kinds shared their visions of Yosemite with the world.

4 men holding a sketch of a building
Concessions History

What are concessions and why are they so important to the history of Yosemite?

Last updated: September 29, 2023

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