The Lakes Fire is a lightning start fire that is being managed for multiple objectives. It is believed to have been ignited on June 12 and has burned 189 acres. The fire has crossed the trail along Chilnualna creek with active fire and fire hazards in the area including:
- Falling limbs, snags (dead standing trees), and fire damaged trees
- Possible smoky conditions which may cause respiratory problems
- Poor visibility due to smoke
- Hot ash and unseen hazards
By order of the Superintendent of Yosemite National Park and under authority of Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 1.5(a) and Section (a)(1):
The trail segment marked on the accompanying map entitled Lakes Fire Safety Closure dated August 25th, 2016 is closed to all travel.
Notice of closure will be posted and the area will be monitored to ensure compliance. Your cooperation in complying with this temporary restriction is greatly appreciated. Please see attached map for more information.
The designation will remain in place until rescinded.