Keep up-to-date on War in the Pacific news items with the news releases. Read and download our latest newsletters. Photos & MultimediaSee more photos here and on our social media! History & CultureThe Pacific Theater of World War II involved one-third of the earth's surface but only 1/145th of its total land mass. It involved vast distances and new strategy, tactics, equipment, and weapons of war. NatureWar in the Pacific National Historical Park burgeons with life. Scars and stains of World War II still remain on many Pacific islands, but over time, vibrant plant and animal communities have dramatically rebounded. EducationField trips, local teacher workshops and hands-on experiences enhance classroom learning and broaden the teaching and learning experience for educators and students. Kids & YouthPick up a copy of the Junior Ranger Activity Book at the Visitor Center. This book is filled with activities for all ages. Get information on the Junior Ranger Academy, River Ranger, Reef Ranger and Field Trips. ManagementWar in the Pacific National Historical Park is a protected area, in the United States territory of Guam, which was established in 1978 in honor of those who participated in the Pacific Theater of World War II. Learn how we manage this park. Bookstore Books and other resources are available from the Pacific Historic Parks bookstore. The bookstore is located inside the T. Stell Newman Visitor Center and is open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 9:00am - 4:00 p.m. You may also visit the online bookstore through the above link.
Last updated: December 13, 2023